Northern Kungsleden
Seven days into the wild
In August 2021, a friend and me went to the land of the midnight sun in Northern Sweden to do the trek from Nikkaluokta to Abisko.
The total distance of this route is about 120 km, which we covered in 7 days, wild camping along the way. It is a great route for beginners, although the remoteness should not be underestimated.
This trip was my first time in Scandinavia and I was highly impressed by the sheer vastness of the landscape. I was very glad that I brought a wide-angle lens to capture those open spaces with!
Day 1 was mostly spent beside this lake, Ladjtojaure, which is very serene. I love the blue/green colour in glacial lakes.
At the end of the day we set up camp on the slopes of Sweden’s highest peak, Kebnekaise. It was very busy here, but that is understandable given the excellent Mountain Station close by.
On the second day, the route starts climbing through the Laddjuvagge pass to the wild Tjäktja valley that lies beyond. This is the start of that climb.
Approaching Laddjuvagge pass.
Note the two orange backpackers who show the scale of the forbidding scenery.
The Tjäktja valley.
Our camp above the Tjäktja valley. Pitching the tent was not easy given the north-westerly gales battering this barren hillside!
Showers over Tjäktja.
Reflections near Sälkastugorna on the third day.
Looking back from near the Tjäktja pass, the highest point on the Kungsleden.
The Tjäktja valley from the summit of the pass.
Along the Kungsleden, there are many planked sections. This was probably one of the longest of those.
Looking into the wilds of Norway from the summit of Lulip Muorahisčohkka on day four.
The delta near Alesjaure, on the fifth day.
Wild camping near Alesjaure. Note my tent just left of centre.
Alesjaure lake.
Last wild camp in the Abisko National Park.
Back in civilisation.